What have you done to raise the bar and set the standard in your industry? Because in today’s market, if you aren’t fighting to be the best at what you do, you might as well cease and desist. Every company represents something. You have something unique to offer those customers that get lucky enough to find and choose you. But to win their trust in giving you a shot, you have to show them that you set the standard in your field. You set the standard for your own particular element of wow you have to offer them.
In my industry, my prospects are looking for a new website. Am I the only option they’ve got?
Not by a long shot.
But some of them are drawn to my particular brand of wow:
We offer unlimited revision rounds to guarantee 100% satisfaction and we promise to stand by our clients and walk them through step-by-step from finding their company’s voice and vision to their exciting website launch day.
Finding this unique value was about merging my own personal standards with the needs of my favorite clients.
But my goal is and will always be to create an experience so seamless, so flawless, so spectacular, so utterly wow, that my clients forever compare future service encounters to mine. I will have set the standard in their mind.
With social media and online review sites turning traditional marketing on its head, the word of the day is transparency.
We have nothing to hide behind. So we have to fight to set the standard.
Are you a sales rep whose focus is only numbers? Or are you a trusted advisor who is loyal, who strives to deliver the best possible solution, who truly cares about the relationship you’re building?
Provide stellar quality and unmatched service. Or somebody else will.
You have nothing to hide behind. And that’s great news. Neither do they.
What have you done today to set your standard?